Plans for my life
I want to go to college in North Carolina.
I want to have a boyfriend while in school.
I want to graduate in 4 years with my bachelors degree.
I want to get married right out of college.
I want to have a good paying job.
I want to be financially stable.
I want to have a house with a white picket fence.
I want to be settled down with my family.
I want to live the American Dream.
As many of you know, this past summer I went to
Africa with an organization called Adventures in Missions. The summer
trip was with the section of the organization that is geared towards
college students between the ages of 18-22. If you have read any of my
previous posts, you know that that summer completely changed my
life....literally. I won't go into everything that God has done in my
life the past year because that would take an entire book but one of the
biggest changes He has made in my life is my desire for overseas
mission work. I know that not everyone is called to it but since January
I have felt that it is something that I want to do in my life and this
past summer was kind of a test to see if it was something I really would
enjoy doing. Ever since my trip to Africa, I have felt God calling me
to do more and recently He has given me an amazing opportunity to do
just that with Adventures in's called the World Race. July 2012 to June 2013. 11
Countries. 11 Months. Serving 1 God.
I am at Mercer University in Georgia.
I want to have a boyfriend while in
Okay, so I did have a boyfriend but we all know that ended. Currently single.
I will graduate in 5 years.
want to get married right out of college.
Jury is still out on this one but at this point I don't think that is what God has planned.
I won't get paid any money for an entire year.
I will be living on the support of others.
A tent will be my house.
I will be moving from country to country for 11 months with my new "family."
I am won't even be in America.
I know this may seem crazy. For some
people, me taking off my last year of school to go travel the world and
do mission work seems stupid. I want everyone to know that this is a
decision that I have been praying about for a long time and God has
never been more clear in his answer. He wants me to go. He is calling me
and I have answered yes. I am choosing to step out in faith, knowing
that this decision does not seem logical and I am asking for your
support. Whether it be in prayer or financially, I am going to need
support in this. Being gone for two months this summer was a big deal
for me and realizing that I am going to be gone for 11 months is even
Disclaimer: God could choose to
change my path again before I leave next July. I will need to raise
$15,500 for this trip which seems like a lot but I believe that if this
is something He wants me to do, He will provide the money. Therefore,
for those of you thinking that I should wait until after I graduate,
that still may happen. If God does not provide the funds then I will
wait. As of right now, I am just jumping into this believing that this
is what God is wanting from me. If it is not, then I believe He will
show me. Also, I will be returning to school to finish my senior year
August 2013. I am not dropping out of school, just deferring a year.
Trust me. I would not do 3 years of engineering school just to drop out.
My plan is to finish off my senior year when I get back and then to go
to medical school. My long term goal would be to open up a clinic in a
third world country and be a long term missionary/doctor. I know that is
a huge dream but I like to dream big. :)
COUNTRIES: Ireland, Russia, Ukraine, Nepal, Cambodia, Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique, India, Malaysia, Challenge: Asia
So as I said before, the total cost of this trip is $15,500. I will be
starting actual fundraising in the VERY near future and more information
on how I will be doing that will be coming soon. However, if you do feel led to donate you can do so online at:
If you would like more information regarding my trip you can contact me or go to
Also, to keep updated on fundraising and other information you can "like" my facebook page:
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'" Isaiah 6:8
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